In Deep Water

Location: Guandu, Taiwan
Material: Bamboo Fire and Water
The purpose of the 2009 Guandu International Site-Specific Sculpture project was to raise awareness about environmental issues related to land, water and culture.

In May 2009 I travelled to Taiwan to begin work on the project “In Deep Water”.

The objective with my proposal “In Deep Water” was to focus on the way, we as human beings have upset the balance of uncountable environments and irreversibly destroyed many indigenous people’s customs and cultures. 

The meandering 50 meter by 2-meter-high fence-like structure that I built would begin its journey high up on the dried out tidal riverbank and snake its way at a shallow angle down and out into the tidal water that marked the parks southern boundary.

 The section of fence like structure in the tidal area would be controlled solely by nature, echoing the movements of the water through the ever-changing pattern as the bamboo was raised, turned and lowered by the tidal water. The middle section however would be at constant battle with both nature and human intervention, depending on accessibility. Whereas the section on dry land would undoubtedly record the results of human intervention.

Guandu Nature Park was once an extremely polluted area used for the dumping of waste. But some 10 years ago the 57-hectare site was reclaimed and now supports hundreds of species of animals, plant and birds. Although art became the focal point during this outdoor sculpture festival ultimately nature would once again reclaim and triumph over all odds.